contextseeking structureseeking searches


to put the world into the day
to put the day into the world

providing context
 , maplaying connections

 astute contections
 ustate contextions


building overlaying
 mapseeking maps
 routeseeking routes

 , the underpinned meandering

 short lines of conciseness
 , next to nothing

 , whelmingly redirecting


tectonic plating

 , raptid
 rapid tonic

 the circumwhile navigationriver
  , spacebending

hand and fingers
hands and fingers
hands and finger
hand and hand
 , feeting
handing and fingering
 , clasped holding


other lineminding
 , linedmining

 recruitholding hidden thunderbolding
 ' figure of each speech '

each angle
 , same
 each different rotation
